
Saturday, August 16, 2014

Shopping and Sun

Ah today was so fun!  We woke up super early again and then went to this cute cafe for breakfast.  I had the best french vanilla latte I've ever had (literally) and amazing cinnamon french toast.  After breakfast, we left for the beach, where we stayed for a few hours.  I read a lot of my book for school which I'm relieved about phew (at least I did something productive today ha).  We grabbed a quick lunch and got cotton candy after, then headed back to our hotel room.  After getting ready, my sister and I walked into the little town and went shopping.  We found this really cute homemade soap store where we bought a bunch of stuff (I'll post a photo of it tomorrow), and I got a new mini buddha statue woooo!  We then went to the cliffs that we discovered yesterday to watch the sunset which was beautiful.  When it got dark out, we went back into town and ate a quick dinner at a small mexican place which was so good.  Then we walked to pinkberry and back to our hotel room!  I'm exhausted now, so here are the photos below.  Enjoy! xx

These are bushes not actual camels haha

The Lifestyle Bean

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